I remember reading a book by Laura singles Wilder called the First Four Years. The book was about the Lauthor's first four years of marriage to Almanzo Wilder. The series itself was a passionate favorite of mine and planted a viable seed that would grow onto a passion for writing. The title stayed with me and it was not until I had my own son, who looks strikingly like Almonzo Wilder, did I grasp the true meaning of a first four or even a final four years. My son will graduate from high school in 4 years and these are my final four as his legally bound guardian and support system. the next few blogs will be my recounting stories of my life as a mother and the trials I face today knowing I have such little time left with Edward the child. He's a teenager and far from a child other then chronological age but he's my child until the legal age of 18, that said. There is much to accomplish in these last 4 years. He started football practice today at the high school. The conradary was profound. He was engulfed in a tidle wave of male adolocent glory. As I watched him proudly; with honor and confidence, stride into the red and white tidle wave of fellow football players and their proudly donned uniforms, I was reminded of a film I loved as a child. It was titled the Last Unicorn.

In this film a lone unicorn searched for her kind and felt very much alone until she was united with her own kind. My son has always had friends nad has always been a very loyal friend. However the last few years since he began playing football, he appears to have found his clan. His loyalities remind me of a soldiers in battle. When he walked into his cohert of warrior- students, it was as if he was engulfed in a sea of glory never to return to his old life of childish awe and innocence. He will, hence forth travel down that ritchous path paved way by so many before him, to walk proid and tall toward manhood. Go Boise Braves!