This is November. the last next to last of 2014. I look back on this year and realize there are so many amazing accompaniments. I have been published in two more books:, and this amazing acomplishment was made possible by a lady I am honored to call my friend Jane Fruend. Here is her web page for anyone wishing to publish:
I also was laid off from my job as a Community Based Rehabilitation worker that forced me to realize my true potential and career dream. I am going to finally pursue a career in Real estate. I am so very excited and happy to begin my new life.
I intend to spend every waking moment either writing or selling Real Estate. I am 38 years old this year and I was often told you reinvent yourself at age 40.
I am doing exactly this! I thank Jane Fruend, for helping me realize my dream and I also thank all the authors and editors of the Pixie Chicks Eclectic Collage books. I am honored to be a part of this group!