I did not know this was conspiring because he had forgotten to enlighten me with such important information.
When I went to pick him and he was not at football practice,I texted him to ask where he was. He texted back that he was trying to sleep and his girlfriend picked him up. This news should have been gleeful and freeing. Instead, it strangely broke my heart. I was not prepared in the least for what would follow. I felt every emotion known to man that involved grief and a sudden urge to bawl, and bawl I did. I cried so hard I could not breath. It seems silly now that I reacted in such a profoundly dramatic manner but I was unprepared for something that should have been no big deal and a celebration moment. My son was on his way to independence and adult hood. He was accepting help from peers and he was no longer needing me. However, my grief goes so much deeper. For the last 15 years my son is the one area of my life I have made the most accomplishments. The one area I am most proud of. I have lost jobs, quit jobs, been rejected from employment; I appear not cut out to work for the man apparently. Motherhood is the only thing I have actually gotten right and have been allowed to see through to the end. There is no retirement for motherhood though. A mother never stops being a mother. I realized this in that fateful moment my son told me he had another ride. I realized that I had no back up plan for when he left home to embark upon his own adult journey. I cannot can vegetables, I have no garden. I can not sew. I have no desire to take up Bridge and play a card game weekly. I do have my Idaho Media Professionals.I do have my Pixi Chicks writers group. I do have my social networking but motherhood was the only real hobby and employment I ever wanted and thrived in. Try putting that on a resume! It does not land you employment. I have tried. But, I am only 39 years old. I still belong to the IMP and I still write. I am joining the YMCA and I will discover the Araminta that is not just a mother but a Renaissance Woman. I decided to type up an acting resume and where it aid special talents, I had to leave it blank until I really thought about it. I can train a dog basic commands and agility skills. I can create a whole new reality with the stroke of a key board. I can cliff dive ( with enough Xanax in my system). I can ride a horse well and ice skate. I do have special talents but what can I do that stands out best? That is yet to be discovered.
I am a mother, but NOT just a mother. I am a wife too, I am a college educated woman. I am a writer. I am an actress. I am darn good at all the above I just mentioned. So, why am I chasing after the man? WHY DO I FEEL AN EMPTY NEED TO WORK STUPID POINTLESS PAY CHECK TO PAYCHECK JOBS? Because motherhood wont pay off my student loan debt. It should, as this article points out: http://www.salary.com/how-much-should-moms-be-paid/
I love my position as mother and I embrace it. My son may be ready to move on to the next phase in life but I must continue my job as a mother. What I do to supplement the lack of monetary income from this job is yet to be discovered. But it will be. Be it real estate, writing, acting, or some menial job that means nothing to me other then a pay check. I do need to pay the bills.
I am a mother, but NOT just a mother. I am a wife too, I am a college educated woman. I am a writer. I am an actress. I am darn good at all the above I just mentioned. So, why am I chasing after the man? WHY DO I FEEL AN EMPTY NEED TO WORK STUPID POINTLESS PAY CHECK TO PAYCHECK JOBS? Because motherhood wont pay off my student loan debt. It should, as this article points out: http://www.salary.com/how-much-should-moms-be-paid/
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